Let me start out by saying no matter what kind of day it was, given the fact it was my daughters 20th birthday it was a great day. That being said it really was a day to be left!
It started out with a traffic jam on the way into the office as well as an ice storm on the roads. Given I had a 2 hour drive to take my kid out for her birthday it was not a promising start. Got to work though and then got a barrage of calls. Ended up leaving late. Got out to my kid and the restaurant that she picked ended up being closed when we got there. We found another but really it was not the greatest. It was the greatest being with my kid though. Have to keep up that mantra. I then took her to the mall as I had arranged a new cell phone for her. I was really excited about this surprise. Unfortunately, in the process of getting her cell, it took 3 hours of sheer stupidness at the bell world. By the end of it my kid was almost in tears. I was upset having her standing at the kiosk for 3 hours on her birthday. Finally we got it all looked after and I took her home. Well, wouldn't you know that my cell phone died. Oh well,
Of course on the way home we hit another traffic jam. Just what I needed. I was hungry and could only think about getting home and getting something to eat. Finally made it home but before eating I felt bad that Archie (my dog) was home all day, so I took him into this golf course for a walk. It was a great night and I thought this would calm me down.
Well, Archie, who is always one for adventure decided right at the end of the walk to go chase a skunk. I don't have to tell you how that ended up. Basically me and Archie arrived home, stinking. I threw him in the back yard and jumped in the car to get to the pet store before it closed for some antiskunk spray. So much for eating. It was now approaching 9pm.
Got back home and whisked Archie down to the tub in the basement where I washed him for the next hour. It helped but he still smelled. Given he follows me around the house, it so followed that I would have to sleep downstairs with him.
Well that was the day. Of course the next morning I woke up and my TV died. Later I got yelled at by some (and I won't say what I feel) idiot. His dogs were barking in his backyard and he was upset that I happened to be in a public park walking my dog. He of course never walks his dogs which is why he was overweight (again being nice) and why his dogs bark so much.
Well apart from another washing of Archie that was my day. Really the last 24 hours could have been left. Left out, left off. Just left.
As for my knitting I have not been taking may pictures of my projects. I finished the Aeolian shawl but have to block it. Hopefully this weekend. I am working on another shawl with DK yarn which should be interesting. Not sure if it will be to heavy or not. It is cotton/Silk blend. Also getting ready to do another sweater.
Finally I just received my copy of "Principles of Knitting" today. All I can say is WOW. I will talk about it in a future blog.
Well, Happy Birthday to my kid and for me let's hope that cloud that was following above has finally moved on.
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